visual communication design

amelie wake


The client

The client is Mia Dickson, a young university graduate who majored in business studies and is now looking to set up her own company in her hometown, Ocean Grove. She completed and passed her business degree in university where she studied at Deakin Geelong. She is 28 years old and has been working over the past seven years to save her money so she can apply for a small business loan. Mia has moved out of home to live only 1km away from the main ocean grove beach which is around 45 minutes away from Geelong. Once Mia’s business loan has been approved, she wants to set up a small food store beside the beach to sell smoothies and other healthy snack options. The beach is also close to 2 main shopping centers, Coles and Woolworths. Mia has also had some firsthand experience working in the food industry in part time jobs and undertook a position in management in her previous job working at a local cafe. Mia is looking for a designer to create the visual identity and branding of her smoothie shop and an architect to design the store. She would like the designer to come up with a suitable name for her beachside business which is selling smoothies and other healthy snacks. She wants a logo that is applied to various areas of the business as branding. Mia is interested in repurposed design and is very interested in utilising a shipping container as part of the shop build. Mia envisions that the shop would include a small area for customers to enjoy their food and beverages. She would like the container to be designed to fit the serving and production of the products to take place.


Presentation 1

The client requires a concept for their new store beside the beach.

Presentation 2

The client requires a visual identity of their new store which would include a logo and branding that can be used in a variety of contexts.


selected pages

architecture presentation board

presentation 1


presentation 2


unit 3 practical work

juicer: presentation board

unit 3 practical work

juicer: 2d concept drawing

unit 3 practical work

viewing platform: 2d drawing

unit 3 practical work


Alice Penna


Chanel Xu