
Oil Painting

Students explored the use of lean, fat and wax paste mediums with oil paint to create their landscape paintings based on their own photographs. Students studied the specific use of warm and cool colours to create space and sense of distance.


Artform exploration

Linocut printmaking 

Whilst working from home during Term 3 students worked on carving large linocuts. The subject matter was the students choice and the focus was on exploring different carving techniques to create a range of textures, fine details and a source of light.




Whilst working from home, students began with photographic portraits of family members and through explorations of Photoshop techniques, created digitally manipulated portraits that revealed a history or insight about their subject.


Comparative Study artworks

mixed media

 As part of the Higher Level Visual Art Comparative study, students created artworks that respond to their three chosen artworks. After researching, analysing and comparing the artworks, students make a new work that feature aspects of all three works, potentially through style, subject matter, artform, concept, materials or techniques.


Year 11 PDT