Unit 1 Area of Study 2

Understand, develop and resolve

Students responded to the theme of Identity and progressively developed their own ideas. Students learn how to develop their ideas using materials, techniques and processes, and art elements and art principles. They consolidate these ideas to plan and make finished artworks, reflecting on their knowledge and understanding of the aesthetic qualities of artworks. The planning and development of at least one finished artwork are documented in their Visual Arts journal.

Unit 2 Area of Study 1

Understand – ideas, artworks and exhibition

In Area of Study 1, students investigated the intentions of artists and the different characteristics of their art making. They understand how artworks are displayed and how subject matter and ideas are represented to communicate meaning and the intentions of the artists to viewers. The exposure to artworks in an exhibition through the Art Excursion and the investigation of how artists make artworks enabled students to see the different ways specialists in the industry work in preparing and presenting artworks for display.  

Students visited a range of exhibition spaces and selected three artworks to research. They then add three artworks they have personally selected from other sources that complement the artworks from the exhibition. They discussed how these artworks relate to each other and the reasons for their selection. These additional three artworks are connected to the theme or ideas of the exhibition and should be selected from different contexts.


Year 11 VCD