
animated gifs

Made during a time of remote learning, students worked in their own choice of digital application to make these short, animated gifs. The works focused on the art element of time and the principle of movement and followed a unit on Painting and Drawing; in which students focused on depicting objects in and around their own homes. Some students worked with similar subject but many selected something completely different. Students also looked at the work of artists who use movement in their work, such as Daniel Crooks.


Claudia NImmo

Claudia Nimmo

Chloe Minty

Indigo Patterson-Rowe

Indigo Patterson-Rowe

Claudia Nimmo

Claudia Nimmo

Ana Palombo

oil painting

oil on canvas

Students studied the work of several painters including Grace Cossington Smith and Brett Whiteley, as inspiration for making these paintings on canvas board of landscapes. Students developed their own compositions by photographing scenes that held significance to them, many choosing a location derived from their journeys to or from school. Students followed an oil painting process and learnt how to mix paint with medium for varying effects, exploring impasto and fat over lean techniques.


painting and drawing

mixed media

Made during a time of remote learning, students made a series of observational drawings exploring the home as subject matter. Students were asked to select a variety of locations and objects in their house and makes these the subjects of a folio of small-format drawings and painting. Students were encouraged to work with materials that they had at hand: pencils, fineliner pens, watercolour paints or digital drawing and painting apps.


Portrait Photography

Digital photographs

Inspired by Melbourne portrait artist David Rosetzky and Italian artist Maurizio Anzieri students looked at adding layers of meaning in their photography. By using additional techniques of digital manipulation, layering, manual or digital collaging, students created portraits that told a story about their subjects.


digital Photography

Digital photographs

Whilst working from home, over a broad range of tasks focusing on making considered compositional choices in photography, students were introduced to using techniques in black and photography with a focus on art elements and principles.


portrait screenprints

Screenprint on paper

Students looked at the work of contemporary American screenprint artists Alex Katz and Shepard Fairey to create portraits using paper stencils. A paper stencil was cut for every colour required and printed in small editions. Some students made up to 14 coloured stencils for printing.


Year 10 ELICOS art


Year 10 PDT